Once you decide to sell your home, you are probably hoping it sells sooner rather than later. Often, you are waiting for the sale to happen quickly so that you can then purchase another home, or in some cases, you may be moving from the area and would rather not take part in a long distance sale. You might want to know that there are a few things that could have you sitting on that home for a long time if you're not careful. Read on to learn more about some things you do not want to do when listing real estate for sale.
1. Let potentials buyers really get to know you. While it's perfectly okay to be friendly with any buyers who view your home, you want to make sure that you don't overdo it when it comes to leaving various items on view for those buyers to be distracted by. The very best thing you can do for a buyer is to present them with a clean slate so that they can envision themselves residing there, so clear off most, if not all, family photographs, framed diplomas and certificates, monogrammed items and more.
2. Hide the best features of the room. When you are in the process of moving or packing, it's really easy to overlook how your home looks to buyers. If your living room has a great fireplace, for example, avoid piling boxes or anything else in front of it.
3. Showcase the fact that you have pets. Not everyone loves dogs, cats or other pets as much as you do, so be sure to put those cat bowls and dog leashes away when buyers are coming. Be particularly sensitive about any litter boxes; check for cleanliness, deodorize the area and put it away for the time being.
4. Your home has that "lived in" look, and you think buyers will appreciate that. You could not be more wrong. It's not that potential buyers cannot imagine how the home would look with new carpet or without that faded floral wallpaper border, it's that they would rather see a home that is closer to "move in ready" if possible.
5. You can tidy up very quickly by moving things into a spare room or the garage. Doing so, however, could be a mistake. Buyers usually want to view all spaces, and a garage filled with junk is a big turn-off. Be sure to take a look at your closets as well, the size of closets are important to buyers and they will open that door and look. Consider renting a storage unit to store excess stuff and moving boxes.
6. You feel that you can do just as good of a job as a real estate agent selling your home. Think again. While your home may sell eventually, using a Realtor means having a professional on board who knows how to showcase your home, how to set the right price for a quick but profitable sale and more.