Where To Check For Signs Of Water Problems In Your Prospective House

If you are in the market for a new house, then it makes sense that you will do everything possible to ensure you get the house of your dreams. Water damage is one of the things that can ruin your experience of buying a house. Here are some of the areas you should inspect if you are on the hunt for water damage:

The Basement and Foundations

Water problems are common in these places because they are the lowest parts of the house. This means that any water that isn't properly drained away from the house will end up in the foundation or basement. This may happen, for example, if the gutters or downspouts are damaged and dumping water near the foundation of the house. Signs of water problems in this area include mildew in basement walls, cracks in the foundation, and scaly-looking basement surfaces.

The Ceiling

The ceiling may not be the lowest point in the house, but it's also a common point for water problems – water from above. If the roof is leaking, for example, the ceiling is one of the first places to be affected. Signs of a water leak in the ceiling include discolored streaks or patches, mold (in extreme cases), or new paint (that the homeowner may have used to cover up the discolorations).

The Landscaping

You can also read telltale signs of water problems by looking at the landscape around the house. Check if the drainpipes drain water away from the house's foundation. What about the general slope of the land; is it designed to move water away from the house?  Anything that seems to suggest that water flows towards the house, instead of away from it, is a potential indicator of a water problem.

The Roof

You can't talk about water problems without mentioning the roof, which is one of the main parts of the house protecting the interior from rainfall and melting snow. You should suspect that a roof is leaking if it has these signs:

  • Brown patches on the ceiling
  • Signs of water puddles on the floor
  • Signs of water drips on the walls
  • Moldy walls

Some of these are things you can spot on your own. However, you will need the services of a professional home inspector to unearth more hidden damages. Your real estate agent will be the first to tell you that it's beneficial to pay for professional service. For more tips on finding a home, contact a company like Amy Willis & Associates LLC.
